Balance and falls prevention class

Join us for this class and work on your balance and strength so you can have the freedom and security you deserve. This limited enrolment, in-person course will run for six weeks, and you will get a full initial assessment. Improve your confidence, gain greater ease of movement, and protect against falls.

New classes

  • New dates and times forthcoming
  • Capped at four participants
  • 40 minute classes
  • Six week program
  • Full initial assessment
  • $695.00 CAD

Full initial assessment

Before the course starts, each participant receives a one-on-one initial assessment. These baseline measurements allow us set the program for each participant and measure your improvement.

Covered by extended benefits

This program is covered by extended medical through your physiotherapy benefits.

Learning objectives

Participants can expect to develop:

  • Improved confidence
  • Greater ease of movement
  • Protection against falls
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • improved walking tolerance
Two seniors in cardigans dance in their home surrounded by light and memories.

Mobility challenges, pain, worry, risk of falls

This course is valuable to any person who wants to improve their condition and strength. Common reasons people sign up, include:

  • Falling and risk of falls
  • Low walking endurance
  • Social avoidance 
  • Fractures 
  • Deconditioning
  • Can’t do yard work
  • Low bed mobility
  • Difficulty with household chores
  • Cancelled fitness classes due to COVID
  • Stress