News & Updates

Clinic opening for in-person appointments on Tuesday, May 19th

We are pleased to announce we will be opening our clinic again for in-person appointments beginning Tuesday, May 19th.

Please feel free to call the clinic for an appointment (1-778-265-3663) or go to our website to book online.

As we all recognize, it is still very important to continue to flatten the curve and protect ourselves and our family against community transmission of COVID-19. In order to keep you and our staff safe, here are some of the new policies we have implemented at Arbutus. 

Clinic/staff protocols 

  • There will be fewer scheduled appointments to reduce the number of patients in the clinic
  • There will be additional cleaning of all common areas and treatment rooms
  • The public washroom will be available and will be cleaned hourly throughout the day 
  • All staff will be required to have a temperature check at the beginning and end of each shift
  • No staff member will be allowed to enter or stay in the clinic with ANY signs of illness
  • Reception staff will be behind plexiglass while they interact with patients
  • There will be fewer chairs in the reception area to allow physical distance
  • All practitioners will wear cloth or non-procedural paper masks while treating patients

Patient requirements 

  • Patients will be screened for illness and recent travel prior to attending in-person appointments
  • Please cancel and reschedule your appointment if you do not feel well – there will be no cancellation fees charged.
  • Please wear a cloth or paper mask to your appointment
  • If you do not have your own mask there will be masks for $2 at front reception 
  • Please feel free to wait inside or outside for your appointment, and attend your appointment alone, if possible, to reduce the number of people in the reception area
  • Please come to the clinic at your appointment time; avoid coming early if possible
  • All patients will be asked to clean their hands with provided hand sanitizer upon entrance to the clinic 
  • Please wash your hands at the end of your session prior to leaving the clinic 

We will continue to offer virtual appointments through our TeleRehab platform if you prefer to receive care from your home. 

Although we will have to do things a little differently with the “new normal” you can continue to expect a warm, friendly welcome as you enter our spacious clinic and receive exceptional care from your practitioner.

Thank you for your patience and support over the past several months and in the coming weeks as we navigate our way forward. We are very excited to be reopening our doors and look forward to seeing you soon.