It’s our Oak Bay Ave-iversary!
It’s been 1 year since we’ve opened our doors on Oak Bay Avenue! We are so excited for what the future holds and believe that the best is yet to come.
It’s been 1 year since we’ve opened our doors on Oak Bay Avenue! We are so excited for what the future holds and believe that the best is yet to come.
Thank you to everyone who came out to our grand opening on the weekend! We hope you got to know some of our team a little better, took a full…
Our grand opening is on Saturday, February 1st from 3:00 to 5:00pm! Come join us for snacks and drinks to help us celebrate our new location, and help us to mark the occasion of our move.
I am excited to announce that I am opening a sports medicine practice in Oak Bay at Arbutus Physiotherapy & Health Centre, which is right across from the Red Barn…
We’re into the last weekend for our existing clinic location. On Monday morning we’re opening our doors at 1928 Oak Bay Ave – it’s just a few steps away. This…
We have some news! We’re moving to a new location. It’s very close to where we’re currently located. We’re moving to 1928 Oak Bay Ave, right across the street from…
Folks are layered up these cold, bright February days! It’s nice and warm here at Arbutus. Gloria Chow moved here from Vancouver last year and is new to Oak Bay…
After work grocery shopping at Red Barn Market with co-workers! So happy we’re neighbours, Red Barn. Everyone is out and about this evening on Oak Bay Ave. #NotRainingYet #NowItIsRaining
People arrive at our health clinic in every way. They walk, they bike, they bus. They get dropped off. And many folks also drive. As a handy service to those…
Dr. Mike Gotuaco, DC, CSCS, k-taping Ashley Fradette, MPT. I know, I know, we’ve posted another picture of Ashley getting treated, but she’s okay! Just some maintenance for her active…
A rare sight in the clinic is three practitioners in the same room at once. Enjoying the calm the weekend brings!
there is some construction along Amphion Street. This may interfere with parking availability in front of the clinic between 7:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday…
Just a mini-stretch session going on between patients.
Gear up for the unpredictable weather. Rain, sleet or snow, we’ve always got Therapeutic Massage, Chiro, and Physio!
The holidays are fast approaching!
It’s bright and shiny in our clinic today, just like our bright and shiny team!